1277 · Klimaschutzprojekt + Baumpflanzung
  • 1 t CO2 + 1 Baum, International + Frankreich
A certified climate project combined with additional commitment

This combined project contributes to the financing of a certified climate project and additionally supports tree planting in France. For every tonne of CO2 saved through the contribution via a certified climate project, we plant one tree in France. This way, we promote the conversion of structurally poor forests and monocultures into more resilient mixed woodlands that can better adapt to changing climate conditions. Currently, tree planting in France is combined with a certified social impact project in India ( The project enables women microentrepreneurs in rural areas of India to access funding for improved cookstoves and solar lamps. Combined climate projects to date: forest protection, Lábrea, Brazil (, forest protection, Madre de Dios, Peru ( and forest protection, Mataven, Colombia ( and

Our additional commitment: One tree for every tonne of CO2 reduced

With our combined project, we combine verified emission reductions through a certified climate project with additional commitment. European ecosystems are also affected by climate change: Tree species such as spruce suffer from drought because their shallow roots do not reach deeper, water-rich layers of soil. Thus, they are weakened and particularly susceptible to pests. Storms also take a heavy toll on these shallow-rooted tree species.

Our additional commitment addresses this issue and supports the reforestation and conversion to more resilient mixed forests: We plant trees in cooperation with experienced organisations and enable our customers to participate in the planting campaigns. The certified climate project is registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Clean Water and SanitationForest soils filter rainwater, ensure clean groundwater and ensure high drinking water quality.
Responsible Consumption and ProductionWood is one of the few renewable resources.
Climate ActionForests store large amounts of CO2, they have positive effects on the global, regional and local climate.
Life on LandForests are diverse recreational areas for all population groups. They also protect from erosion, avalanches, flooding and floods. For many animal, plant and fungal species, the forest is the habitat that provides them with food and shelter.
Project standardVERs + additional commitment TechnologyClimate project + tree plantingRegion1 t CO2 + 1 tree, International + FranceAdditional commitment implemented byNos partenaires de plantation d'arbres