Project details
1299 · Gas Recovery
  • Istanbul, Turkey
Clean energy production on two continents

With more than 15 million inhabitants, Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and one of the largest in the world. Since 1995 the city's municipal waste is being disposed to two landfills: Kömürcüoda on the Asian side of the city holding more than 30 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW), covering 44 hectares and disposing of approximately 6,000 tons of MSW daily, and Odayeri on the European side with 55 million tons of MSW on 90 hectares, disposing 13,000 tons of MSW daily.

The purpose of our project is to collect the emitted landfill gas and produce electricity through gas engines coupled with generators. Together, both sites have an installed capacity of 48 MW. The electricity is fed into the national grid, substituting the baseline energy mix which is mainly based on fossil fuels. Excess landfill gas is combusted via a flaring system. Before the project started, waste was deposited and left for decay without any collection or destruction of the gas, which led to massive methane emissions. Landfill gas contains about 50 percent methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas.

How does gas recovery contribute to climate action?Methane is a greenhouse gas emitted by many processes including livestock farming, waste management, sewage treatment, oil production, and coal mining. When released into the atmosphere, it oxidises first to carbon monoxide and then to carbon dioxide, making it a major contributor to global warming. Climate projects avoid these emissions by capturing the gas and using it to generate heat or electricity, or by processing the gas into dry and liquid gas. In this way, the gas is not released into the atmosphere and is used to generate energy instead. Gas recovery projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.
Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Clean Water and SanitationGroundwater and surface water can be contaminated by untreated leachate from the landfill. The leachate is collected and is transferred to a water treatment plant via drainage systems.
Affordable and Clean EnergyThe project generates clean and sustainable electricity that is fed into the national grid, where it increases the share of renewable energy in the conventional electricity mix.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe project creates jobs in a rural region with high unemployment and poverty rates. Employees are trained for forestry projects, which gives them new skills and technical know-how. In addition, the project stimulates the entrepreneurship of women.
Climate ActionThe project saves about 818,840 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Project standardGold Standard VER (GS VER)TechnologyGas RecoveryRegionIstanbul, TurkeyEstimated annual emission reductions818,841 t CO2Validated byTÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbHVerified byRe Carbon Ltd.