ID Tracking
Details about the order
Climate action measures
ClimateID Tracking
Details about the order
Supported climate projects
Biogas, Haikou, China
Biogas, Punjab, India
Forest protection, Katingan, Indonesia
Geothermal energy, Shandong, China
Solar energy, Surel, India
Wind energy, Gujarat, India
Wind energy, Satara, India
Climate contribution confirmed
Lenzing AG
Certified carbon neutral TENCEL
Reduction and climate action measures
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Supported climate project
Geothermal energy
and 6 more
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to see the new climate ID page
with reduction targets and measures
System Boundaries
System boundaries indicate which life cycle stages of a product have been made carbon neutral. The following sections were taken into account for this order:
Material acquisition and pre-processing
Distribution (to the initial customer)
Financial climate contribution and Carbon neutral
Carbon neutral
confirms that the carbon footprint of a company, product, service, or event has been calculated according to the ClimatePartner Protocol, and a certified climate project has been financed for the resulting amount.
Financial climate contribution
also means that the carbon footprint of a company, product, service, or event has been calculated, unless otherwise stated above, and that a certified climate project has been financed for the resulting amount.
System boundaries
Sources of emissions covered
Unless stated otherwise, Carbon neutrality for companies
includes at minimum direct emissions generated by the company (i.e. heat generation, vehicle fleet, and fugitive gases), emissions from purchased energy like electricity, and also indirect emissions from purchased energy, business travel, and employee commuting. Other emissions that occur outside of the company's direct control, such as those during the extraction and production of raw materials purchased by the company, intermediate products, external logistics, product use, and end-of-life-treatment are not covered by the carbon neutral company claim.
Carbon neutrality for products
includes the production, processing, and logistics of raw materials, precursors, and packaging, transport to retail, emissions from sources not directly attributable to products (e.g. employee commuting), and treatment at the end of the product life cycle. The use phase of products is not covered by carbon neutrality unless using the product itself directly emits greenhouse gases, such as the use of a combustion engine, or a gas powered heater.
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