1213 · Reforestation
  • Northern States, Nicaragua
Building sustainable livelihoods with coffee

Rising temperatures due to climate change are expected to reduce the area for growing coffee by up to 50 percent in Latin America. As conditions for growing coffee move higher up the mountains, these areas offer the potential to create sustainable livelihoods and reforest the land. Our project in Nicagua supports subsistence farmers with coffee growing expertise. The farmers receive technical and financial support to invest in a high value crop and get rewarded for their sustainable practices in the form of premium prices for their coffee.

The project saves carbon emissions by allowing farmers to reforest their own land and restore degraded areas at higher elevations by cultivating shade-grown coffee. The producers map and collect simple information using an offline mobile app. Data is matched online with satellite imagery and global datasets. Science-based insights are generated and users receive continuous reporting to understand impacts. Until now, the 445 farming families participating in the project have reforested 915 hectares of forest.

How does reforestation/afforestation/revegetation contribute to climate action?

Forests are essential in our lives and are among the planet's most important carbon sinks. Besides providing habitats for wildlife, they filter the air, stabilise and protect soils, store water, and contribute to the balance of our climate. However, global forest areas have declined sharply in recent decades due to increasing settlements, agriculture, illegal logging, and raw material extraction. Afforestation, reforestation, and revegetation activities significantly increase a forest’s carbon storage capacity in both the biomass of the forest and in the soil. The storage capacity varies according to the tree species, age, and location. Experts distinguish these activities in the following way:

Afforestation converts non-forested areas into forest ones. Reforestation restores forest areas that have been damaged or deforested in the past. Revegetation increases the vegetation through planting trees, shrubs, or other plants. Reforestation projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No PovertyThe sale of sustainable forest products diversifies the income opportunities for farmers and helps them develop long term sustainable livelihoods. At least 60% of the income generated from the sale of carbon credits is distributed directly to the farmers.
Quality EducationAnnually, over 10,000 workshops will be held for farming families and the local communities focusing on issues such as climate change, local environmental laws and sustainable farming practice.
Gender EqualityThe project provides financial incentives and training for women, working with over 200 women farmers who traditionally face barriers to financing and resources.
Affordable and Clean EnergyThrough forest management activities, local people receive local firewood as a renewable energy source instead of using wood from deforestation activities.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe project activities provide 2,000 seasonal jobs each year. The new income sources for farmers increase their financial resilience.
Reduced InequalitiesLandless farmers receive employment opportunities as well, targeting some of the poorest and most vulnerable communities in the region.
Responsible Consumption and ProductionAdditional revenues from the farmers’ forest products are an incentive for reforestation practices to ensure a long term ecosystem management.
Climate ActionThe project saves 71.400 tonnes CO2 emissions per year and strengthens resilience against climate change.
Life on LandOver 100 different native tree species can be found in the project area. Protecting these helps to regenerate the biodiversity of the forest ecosystem as well as wildlife habitats.
Partnerships for the GoalsThe projects collaborates with funders across Europe, North America and Central America to redirect climate financing to local communities in Nicaragua.
Project standardPV Climate TechnologyReforestationRegionNorthern States, NicaraguaEstimated annual emission reductions71,400 t CO2Verified byRainforest Alliance