Clean water through natural filter technology

With the help of the project, 1.7 million people in Cambodia receive clean drinking water through ceramic water filtration systems. The filtration is based on an ancient method in which the water seeps through baked clay. The pore size is so small that it removes up to 99.99% of impurities. Every hour, 2-3 litres of water flow through the ceramic vessel into the storage tank. One filtration system covers the needs of a family of five.

The water purifier eliminates the need to boil water with wood or charcoal. It avoids carbon emissions, reduces air pollution, lowers fuel costs and helps protect Cambodia's endangered forests.

Produced locally, the filters have the advantages of being effective, inexpensive, low maintenance, chemical free and easy to use. In addition, the production and transport of the filters provide income opportunities for the local population.

How does technology for clean drinking water help fight global warming?Two billion people in the world have no access to clean drinking water. Many families have to boil their drinking water over an open fire, resulting in CO2 emissions and deforestation. Where water can be cleaned chemically (e.g. with chlorine) or mechanically (with filters), or where groundwater can be provided from wells, these CO2 emissions can be avoided. Clean drinking water projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.
Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No PovertyThe participating households save money as they no longer have to buy firewood to boil the water.
Good Health and Well-BeingClean drinking water and a reduction in smoke improve the health of the people, especially children by combatting child mortality and improving maternal health.
Gender EqualityGirls and women in particular benefit from the project, as they are traditionally responsible for boiling the water. The water filters mean that this work is no longer necessary and gils and women have more time for other activities.
Clean Water and SanitationThe project provides 510,977 people with access to clean drinking water (as of December 2023).
Affordable and Clean EnergyThe project saves around 914 TJ of energy per year as the water no longer needs to be boiled before use.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe project currently employs 100 people (as of December 2023).
Climate ActionPeople avoid carbon emissions by not boiling their drinking water anymore. This avoids 84,700 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.
Life on LandThe reduced demand for firewood helps preserve local forest areas and biodiversity.
Project standardGold Standard VER (GS VER)TechnologyClean drinking waterRegionKompong Chnang, CambodiaEstimated annual emission reductions84,706 t CO2Verified byCarbon Check (India) Private Ltd.Validated byBureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS