1370 · Energia eolica
  • Jangi, India
Using Gujarat's potential for wind energy

The purpose of the 91.8 MW wind farm in Gujarat uses the region's natural wind resources for power generation and thus alleviate electricity shortages in India's Northern, Eastern, Western, and North-Eastern regions. The generated electricity is delivered to NEWNE grid (now Unified Indian Grid), which is otherwise mainly fed by fossil fuel-fired power plants.

Wind power is considered environmentally friendly as it replaces some of the fossil fuel-dominated electricity generation mix in the grid and contributes to reduce carbon emissions. The project activity generates electricity by using the kinetic energy of flowing wind, a process that does not cause any greenhouse gas emissions. The electricity produced by project displaces an equivalent amount of power from the existing grid, which is currently dominated by fossil fuel-fired power plants. The wind farm is located about 20 km South East from Samakhiyali in the Kutch district which belongs to the state of Gujarat. Besides reducing carbon emissions, it helps stimulate the local economy through improvied energy supply.

How wind energy contributes to climate action

As the name suggests, wind turbines use the power of the wind to generate energy. During this process, a generator located inside the wind turbine converts kinetic energy into electrical energy. As energy is still mainly generated from fossil fuels in many areas around the world, clean wind energy can replace some of this fossil, high-emission energy and verifiably save CO2 emissions.

In most cases, the sustainably generated electricity from the wind power projects is fed into a regional power grid, which diversifies the power supply and improves energy security in regions that are frequently affected by power shortages and outages. A project often creates increased job opportunities for the local population and the area can be used for additional activities, such as agriculture. Wind power projects make an important contribution to a clean energy supply worldwide and contribute to sustainable development with respect to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Wind energy projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Affordable and Clean EnergyThe project generates electricity from renewable energy and promotes the development of a sustainable energy sector.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe wind power project creates long-term local jobs.
Climate ActionBy generating renewable energy instead of electricity from fossil fuels, the project will saves about 254,520 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Project standardClean Development Mechanism (CDM)TechnologyWind energyRegionJangi, IndiaEstimated annual emission reductions254,527 t CO2Validated byTÜV NORD CERT GmbHVerified byLGAI Technological Center, S.A.