Project details
1336 ยท Wind energy
  • Chitradurga, India
Using Karnataka's wind potential to mitigate climate change

The state of Karnataka has the second-highest wind potential in India - a characteristic that makes it an ideal location for power generation using wind as a renewable resource. Our carbon offset project spans three villages in Chitradurga district and involves the installation and operation of eight 950-kW and one 750-kW wind generators with a total capacity of 8.35 MW. The energy generated here not only stabilizes the power supply for local consumers but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, as the energy would otherwise have been produced using fossil fuels. By saving 17,060 tonnes of CO2 on average per year, our project thus contributes to global efforts to mitigate climate change.

As with all our projects, the promotion of sustainable development goes hand in hand, for example by creating long-term regional jobs and improving local infrastructure.

How wind energy contributes to climate action

As the name suggests, wind turbines use the power of the wind to generate energy. During this process, a generator located inside the wind turbine converts kinetic energy into electrical energy. As energy is still mainly generated from fossil fuels in many areas around the world, clean wind energy can replace some of this fossil, high-emission energy and verifiably save CO2 emissions.

In most cases, the sustainably generated electricity from the wind power projects is fed into a regional power grid, which diversifies the power supply and improves energy security in regions that are frequently affected by power shortages and outages. A project often creates increased job opportunities for the local population and the area can be used for additional activities, such as agriculture. Wind power projects make an important contribution to a clean energy supply worldwide and contribute to sustainable development with respect to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Wind energy projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Affordable and Clean EnergyThe generated electricity improves the grid frequency and availability of electricity to the local consumers.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe project creates long-term regional employment opportunities.
Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureThe project promotes both the development of the regional infrastructure, such as the expansion of roads, and the economic development through the improved power supply.
Responsible Consumption and ProductionThe project reduces air pollution and promotes the sustainable use of natural resources.
Climate ActionThe project activity generates renewable energy instead of fossil fuel-based electricity and thereby saves an average of 17,060 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Partnerships for the GoalsOur carbon offset projects are building bridges from companies from industrialized countries to people in the world's poorest countries.
Project standardVerified Carbon Standard (VCS)TechnologyWind energyRegionChitradurga, IndiaEstimated annual emission reductions17,068 t CO2Verified byApplus+ LGAI Technological Center, S.A