1402 · Forest protection
  • Mataven, Colombia
Supporting indigenous peoples to avoid deforestation

As the biggest REDD+ Project in Colombia this initiative protects 1,150,200 hectares of tropical forests, safeguarding its biodiversity. It provides education, healthcare, sanitation, food security, nutrition, and further social benefits for 16,000 indigenous people. The project works hand-in-hand with the communities to constantly inform and train them, improve living conditions and promote sustainable economic growth.

The project follows a holistic approach to make a lasting change in the behavior towards sustainable practices, forest protection, and conservation. The different scopes of the project focus on reducing the vulnerability of indigenous territory through strengthening governance through the communities, improving surveillance and control of the territory, as well as the system of communication and transportation. Besides, the project helps improve food self-sufficiency for six different ethnic groups.

How does forest protection help fight global warming?

Forests are not only among the planet's most important carbon reservoirs. They also are home to an enormous diversity of species and are the livelihood for all people. However, global forest areas have declined sharply in recent decades due to increasing settlement, agricultural use, illegal logging and mining.

Forest protection projects ensure that forests are preserved in the long term and that the protection of forests is given a higher value than their deforestation. Together with the local population, project participants protect the area from negative influences. To allow for this the projects create alternative sources of income and educational opportunities. Depending on the project region, forests store varying amounts of carbon per hectare. Particularly high amounts of carbon are stored in the vegetation and soil of tropical swamp forests, primary rainforests, or mangroves. Forest protection projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Zero HungerThe project has set up an agricultural food production programme that empowers 3,600 families to ensure their own food security and proper nutrition. The project also supports around 800 elderly persons in the community with food and necessities.
Good Health and Well-BeingThe project is improving the health and well-being of about 16,000 people by providing first aid trainings, building 6 community healthcare centers, and providing necessary supplies. The project also set up a dental care campaign.
Quality EducationThe project developed a training and education programme for the administration and management of local natural resources. In 2018 and 2019, more than 120 local young persons have received financial aid for their education. The project has also supplied 13 schools with endowments to support children in their education.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe project has generated jobs for the local community; it has trained hundreds of guards and captains to carry out the project activities. It also supports entrepreneurship within the indigenous population in agriculture, traditional craft, and tourism.
Climate ActionThe project saves about 3,622,350 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Life below WaterThe project contributes to the protection of wetlands and water networks: 78 sub-basins and numerous watersheds are crucial to the species in the forest, and also all have their own invaluable ecosystems. The project conserves 136 fish species.
Life on LandThe project helps to conserve the rich biodiversity of the area, including 249 bird species, 198 butterfly species, 33 dung beetle species, and 121 plant species. Many of these species are rare or endemic.
Peace, Justice and Strong InstitutionsThe project strengthens governance in the territory by improving its authorities’ capacities and connectivity. The project also trains and educates communities about their rights and duties in the Indigenous Reservation within the constitutional and legal framework of the country.
Project standardVerified Carbon Standard (VCS)CCBS TechnologyForest protectionRegionMataven, ColombiaEstimated annual emission reductions3,622,352 t CO2Validated byColombian Institute for Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC)Verified byEPIC Sustainability Services Private Ltd