1290 · Wiederaufforstung
  • Bukaleba, Uganda
Preserving natural forests through sustainable wood supply

Between 2000 and 2005 Uganda had one of the highest deforestation rates in the world, losing 2.2 percent of its forest cover every year. The country is still struggling to meet the growing demand for wood from responsible resources. Our project benefits the forestry sector through an increase in timber supply, sustainable management of the national resource base, and thus help reduce pressure on natural forests. The plantation sites are located in the Bukaleba Central Forest Reserve (BCFR) in the district of Mayuge in Eastern Uganda. It establishes and manages exotic and indigenous reforestation on 2,000 hectares of degraded shrub and grassland.

The objective of the project is to help mitigate climate change while meeting the growing demand for quality wood products from well managed plantation forests, contribute to sustainable environmental management and poverty alleviation in Uganda. It supports the socio-economic development of local communities and infrastructure improvements.

How does reforestation/afforestation/revegetation contribute to climate action?

Forests are essential in our lives and are among the planet's most important carbon sinks. Besides providing habitats for wildlife, they filter the air, stabilise and protect soils, store water, and contribute to the balance of our climate. However, global forest areas have declined sharply in recent decades due to increasing settlements, agriculture, illegal logging, and raw material extraction. Afforestation, reforestation, and revegetation activities significantly increase a forest’s carbon storage capacity in both the biomass of the forest and in the soil. The storage capacity varies according to the tree species, age, and location. Experts distinguish these activities in the following way:

Afforestation converts non-forested areas into forest ones. Reforestation restores forest areas that have been damaged or deforested in the past. Revegetation increases the vegetation through planting trees, shrubs, or other plants. Reforestation projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No PovertyFor the work in the forest plantation, mainly people from the surrounding area are hired. All employees receive fair pay that meets or exceeds legal requirements. By providing tree seedlings and training in tree planting and firefighting techniques, the local population can improve their income.
Zero HungerThe jobs created for local people provide an alternative (or the only) source of income. This allows community members to pay for school fees for their children or food, for example. The project also provides meal money to employees.
Good Health and Well-BeingIn collaboration with government health facilities, the project provides annual counseling and testing services to help curb the spread of HIV. It also provides medical supplies to two health centers and collaborates with an NGO to provide testing and treatment for cervical cancer in surrounding communities.
Quality EducationProject activities include training to develop staff and their competency for various functions. The project also provides training on efficient cookstoves to reduce the consumption of firewood and improve women's health. In 2019, 148 people were trained in topics such as environment, health and safety, and technical and business skills.
Gender EqualityWomen are increasingly hired during the planting season. All employees have the opportunity to participate in all training and development opportunities. In 2022, approximately 50% of employees were female. The project also supports the education of young girls in secondary schools and colleges.
Clean Water and SanitationThe project improves access to clean drinking water for surrounding communities by drilling and maintaining boreholes and protecting water sources.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthApproximately 98% of employees are from local communities. The project initiated a development program that trains local people to plant trees, build firewood fueled cookstoves, and deliver tree seedlings.
Industry, Innovation and InfrastructurePromoting the development of local infrastructure including roads and communication systems.
Responsible Consumption and ProductionThe project meets the strategic objective of Uganda's forest policy to increase the contribution of forestry to the national economy. The project supports equitable distribution of forest resources throughout the country to provide wood products to local communities.
Climate ActionThe project saves an average of 11,900 tonnes of CO2 per year.
Life on LandThe project aims to preserve and expand natural forest and other valuable vegetation in its operational areas. The vegetation in the wetlands and on the ridges will be kept intact.
Project standardVerified Carbon Standard (VCS)TechnologyReforestationRegionBukaleba, UgandaEstimated annual emission reductions11,903 t CO2Validated byDet Norske Veritas Climate Change Services AS (DNV)Verified byEPIC Sustainability Services Private Ltd