Expansion of renewable energy generation in AsiaInterest and demand for renewable energies are growing on the Asian continent as well. Climate projects generate necessary resources to drive the expansion of sustainable technologies. This renewable energy portfolio supports projects in several countries across Asia. It consists of the following climate projects, certified by the Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard:
- wind energy projects in India, China, Indonesia and Turkey (#1132, #1149, #1296, #1260***, #1310, #1328, #1340, #1366***, #1427, #1470, #1481, #1500, #1152*, #1194*, #1254*, #1335*, #1346*, #1354*, #1386*, #1443*)
- solar energy projects in India and China (#1037**, #1189***, #1232**, #1265, #1391, #1081*, #1390*, #1447***, #1638*)
- hydropower projects in Turkey and Sri Lanka (#1082*, #1626*)
- biogas- and biomass projects in India, China and Thailand (#1095, #1172**, #1174, #1182, #1233*, #1237**)
* These projects complement the portfolio since 23.06.2023.
** These projects complement the portfolio since 15.10.2023.
*** These projects complement the portfolio since 12.01.2024.
How renewable energy contributes to climate actionOne-third of greenhouse gas emissions comes from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. This kind of energy generation is not only finite but has severe negative effects on the climate. To reduce CO2 emissions, mitigate the effects of climate change, and meet an ever-growing energy demand, it is essential to promote renewable energy sources.
The most popular sources of renewable energy are wind, solar, and hydropower. However, energy can also be harnessed from biogas and biomass plants using animal dung or organic residues. Another renewable source is geothermal energy, which is generated and stored in the earth. Climate projects play an important role in transferring and implementing these technologies worldwide. Project activities not only avoid CO2 emissions but can also reduce a country’s dependency on fossil fuels, secure the energy supply, and provide jobs for local people. Renewable energy projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.