Project details
7018 · Improved cookstoves
  • Africa, Asia, Latin America, Worldwide
Improved cookstoves worldwide – for better health and cleaner air

With this portfolio we combine ecological added value with social commitment worldwide. Through the distribution of improved cookstoves in rural areas, local forests are relieved and families spend less time and money for collecting or buying wood. Also, smoke pollution is minimised, which improves the health of women and children who are mainly responsible for cooking. It also supports economic development since the cookstoves are often produced locally. In many countries, open wood fires are used to prepare food – causing high emissions and air pollution. Improved cookstoves use far less firewood and by that reduce emissions.

The portfolio consists of the following climate projects, registered under the Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard: #1486 Improved cookstoves, Nationwide, Somalia , #1499 Improved cookstoves, Maharashtra, India , #1507 Improved cookstoves, Nationwide, Honduras

How improved cookstoves contribute to climate action

According to a statistic from the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022) around a third of the global population still relies on un­safe and environmentally harmful cooking methods. This includes, for example, cooking over open fires or using polluting cooking fuels, such as coal or kerosene. Improved cookstoves tackle this problem by using thermal energy more efficiently. Depending on the model, an improved cookstove can reduce fuel consumption by up to 70 percent, which significantly saves CO2 emissions and can lower the pressure on local forests as less firewood needs to be harvested.

Improved cookstove projects allow the distribution of the - often simple - devices made from metal or clay to households, small enterprises or community facilities. Especially for households, this has an impact beyond the CO2 reduction: better indoor air quality decreases respiratory diseases and families can save time and money as less fuel is needed. Improved cookstoves projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No PovertyHouseholds using an improved cookstove need less wood for cooking, which saves money.
Good Health and Well-BeingSince the improved cookstoves reduce indoor air pollution, especially women and children who are mainly exposed to the smoke while cooking, benefit from better health.
Affordable and Clean EnergyImproved cookstove projects provide broad access to a safe and more energy efficient cooking method.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthImproved cookstoves projects often provide job opportunities for locals since the stoves are manufactured in the project countries.
Climate ActionSince improved cookstoves require much less firewood for cooking they reduce emissions.
Life on LandBy reducing fuelwood use, improved cookstove projects help to protect local forests that are crucial for biodiversity.
Project standardVerified Carbon Standard (VCS)Gold Standard VER (GS VER)TechnologyImproved cookstovesRegionAfrica, Asia, Latin America, WorldwideValidated byaccredited Validation and Verification Bodies (VVBs)Verified byaccredited Validation and Verification Bodies (VVBs)