Dettagli del progetto
1041 · Stufe con forni puliti
  • Kampala, Uganda
Improved cookstoves for better health and less deforestation

One of the main causes of deforestation in Uganda is cooking with traditional cookstoves, which require large amounts of firewood and charcoal. Over 90% of households in Uganda cook with such inefficient cookstoves. As part of the project, households in Uganda will receive new, improved cookstoves to replace inefficient ones. The new cookstoves require less fuel and thus save CO2 emissions. And the families save time and money because the need to collect or buy wood is lower. The improved cookstoves also cause less smoke, which especially benefits the health of women and children who traditionally spend more time at home.

The project started in 2007 and is now in its third crediting period (2021-2028). Crediting periods are the time periods for which the project is eligible to issue verified emission reductions. Crediting periods must be renewed periodically to ensure that the project still meets the criteria of a climate project. (Last updated: August 2023)

How improved cookstoves contribute to climate action

According to a statistic from the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022) around a third of the global population still relies on un­safe and environmentally harmful cooking methods. This includes, for example, cooking over open fires or using polluting cooking fuels, such as coal or kerosene. Improved cookstoves tackle this problem by using thermal energy more efficiently. Depending on the model, an improved cookstove can reduce fuel consumption by up to 70 percent, which significantly saves CO2 emissions and can lower the pressure on local forests as less firewood needs to be harvested.

Improved cookstove projects allow the distribution of the - often simple - devices made from metal or clay to households, small enterprises or community facilities. Especially for households, this has an impact beyond the CO2 reduction: better indoor air quality decreases respiratory diseases and families can save time and money as less fuel is needed. Improved cookstoves projects in the ClimatePartner portfolio are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No PovertyAt the beginning of the third crediting period, 550,000 improved cookstoves had been distributed. 75% of the households surveyed report that they save money with the new cookstoves because they spend less money on fuel.
Good Health and Well-BeingFamilies suffer less from smoke that is harmful to their health, as the improved cookstoves reduce the amount of indoor smoke.
Gender EqualityIn Uganda, it is mostly women who are responsible for cooking and collecting firewood. With the help of improved cookstoves, the time that women have to spend on these tasks is reduced. They now have more time for other things.
Affordable and Clean EnergyDue to the distribution of improved cookstoves, more people have access to cleaner technologies.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe project has created 25 local jobs in Uganda.
Responsible Consumption and ProductionAccording to the users interviewed, the new cookstoves save about 50% of fuel compared to the old ones.
Climate ActionThe project saves approximately 1,604,770 tonnes of CO2 per year.
Life on LandA survey of the participating households showed that each household saves about 2.65 tonnes of fuel per year due to the improved cookstoves. This also reduces the deforestation of the regional forests.
Project standardGold Standard VER (GS VER)TechnologyImproved cookstovesRegionKampala, UgandaEstimated annual emission reductions1,604,772 t CO2Validated byCarbon Check (India) Private Ltd.Verified byTÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program