Project details
7009 ยท Mixed technologies
  • OMV Portfolio, Worldwide
Climate project portfolio for OMV

Three of the projects supported by OMW are located in Turkey: a hydropower plant in Uluabat (, a wind power project in Balikesir (, and a landfill gas recovery project in Istanbul (

Two projects are located in China. The Qinghai Delingha Xiehe project generates clean energy by operating two solar PV plants ( The wind farm in Guyuan generates about 530 GWh electricity per year (

In India, the solar PV plant near Guttigoli annually generates 210 GWh of clean electricity ( The wind farm in Saint Nikola, Bulgaria produces 300 GWh per year ( The project in Brazil protects 148,000 hectares of Amazon rainforest from deforestation (

Portfolio mix of various technologies

The portfolio includes projects that evidently reduce CO2 emissions using various technologies. These include, for example, the protection of rainforests, energy efficiency measures or the expansion of renewable energies. The income from the sale of proven CO2 savings is necessary to be able to implement climate projects in economically weak regions.

Besides reducing greenhouse gases, the project activities create additional benefits for the environment and local people. Detailed descriptions of the projects and methods for reducing emissions can be found via the respective project links. The portfolio projects are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No PovertyBy improving income opportunities and living conditions, the projects contribute to poverty reduction.
Affordable and Clean EnergyModern wind, solar and gas processing technologies increase the share of renewable energy in the project regions.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthRegional jobs have been created for the construction, operation and maintenance of the respective plants.
Industry, Innovation and InfrastructurePromoting modern energy generation technologies through positive examples.
Responsible Consumption and ProductionRenewable energy projects reduce pollutant emissions such as sulphur or nitrogen dioxide compared to energy production from fossil fuels and are examples of the responsible use of natural resources.
Climate ActionThe projects save carbon emissions by reducing energy production from fossil fuels and protecting a piece of Amazon rainforest as an important carbon sink.
Partnerships for the GoalsOur long-term support enables sustainable development projects.
Project standardVerified Carbon Standard (VCS)CCBS Gold Standard VER (GS VER)TechnologyMixed technologiesRegionOMV Portfolio, Worldwide