Project details
7011 ยท Mixed technologies
  • OMV Portfolio, Worldwide
Climate project portfolio for OMV

OMV supports various climate projects:

The biogas project (#1125) as well as the gas recovery project (#1299) in Turkey generate electricity and prevent methane from escaping into the atmosphere.

The wind farms in Bulgaria (#1100), in China (#1085), in India (#1403) and in Turkey (#1003 and #1026) contribute to sustainable development in their regions. The solar projects in India (#1232) and in China (#1037) support surrounding villages with sustainable electricity and social engagement.

The forest protection project in Brazil protects Amazon rainforest and thus one of the most important carbon reservoirs (#1280).

The hydropower plant in Turkey offers the emission-free generation of electricity and long-term water supply of the region (#1304).

The climate project in Pakistan generates electricity using the waste heat generated in cement production (#1428).

Portfolio mix of various technologies

The portfolio includes projects that evidently reduce CO2 emissions using various technologies. These include, for example, the protection of rainforests, energy efficiency measures or the expansion of renewable energies. The income from the sale of proven CO2 savings is necessary to be able to implement climate projects in economically weak regions.

Besides reducing greenhouse gases, the project activities create additional benefits for the environment and local people. Detailed descriptions of the projects and methods for reducing emissions can be found via the respective project links. The portfolio projects are registered with international standards.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No PovertyThe projects are located in regions with little infrastructure and create additional sources of income for many people.
Quality EducationThe projects improve educational opportunities in the project areas, for example by supporting local schools.
Clean Water and SanitationThe hydropower project in Turkey contributes to improved water supply in the region.
Affordable and Clean EnergyThe projects promote the development of a clean and emission-free energy supply.
Decent Work and Economic GrowthAll projects create new jobs and income opportunities in developing regions.
Climate ActionThe projects demonstrably save greenhouse gas emissions through the expansion of renewable energies or the protection of forests as CO2 reservoirs.
Life on LandForest conservation projects are important for maintaining biodiversity and habitat for endangered animal and plant species.
Project standardGold Standard VER (GS VER)Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)TechnologyMixed technologiesRegionOMV Portfolio, Worldwide